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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Joe Budden Talks Child Support Case, Imminent Shady Deal

Joe Budden doesn’t seem to be all too worried about his appearance on the cover of the The Jersey Journal.
As previously reported, Budden was cited by the paper for owing nearly $13,000 in child support. He responded briefly on Twitter that morning, but spoke with DJ Envy on his Power 105 FM show in New York earlier today (October 26) and elaborated a bit on the situation. “That was horrible,” he said. “Now, the funny part about that is, the day before, it was in the paper. It wasn’t on the cover, [but] it was in the paper. I guess they just felt it was front page-worthy, so they put it back and that was wild. I woke up to a lot of madness that day. They put one of my old addresses out there, which was wild to me.”
Budden also spoke on the continued rumors of a Slaughterhouse to Shady signing, confirming the partnership while saying that nothing was finalized. “We are just about [signed],” he explained. “The great thing about it is that [Eminem] is just so passionate about hip-hop and lyrics and everything that this group is about. Everything that this group was formed around, he is in 200% support of.”
He added that the next Slaughterhouse album will be released in late 2011. Budden’s Mood Muzik 4 mixtape is available now. He will be performing at NYC’s B.B. King Blues Club tonight to celebrate the disc’s release. —Adam Fleischer

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