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Friday, November 19, 2010


We're generally used to rapper starting lines of clothing or something typical like that. But, Flavor Flav is going to do something stereotypical and start a line of FRIED CHICKEN! He recently broke it down in a an interview:

I'm also launching FFC – ya'll heard of KFC right? – well this is FFC, Flav's Fried Chicken.The Colonel better watch his back, G! The Colonel might end up in my fryer!"

He's also got some vodka coming out too.

“I want you all to keep on the lookout – it should be on the shelves by January – I'm launching a thing called 'Le Flav Spirits'. I'm comin' out with a cherry vodka, a berry vodka, an olive vodka, a sweet tea vodka, a bubblegum vodka and grape vodka. Also, I'm comin' out with 'Le Flav Cognac' and 'Chateaux Le Flav' which'll be some bubbly. Champagne, that's right folks – Poppin'n'drinkin'!"

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